Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fly Fishing Tips - Dry Fly Fishing

Although its true that most trout feed below the surface most of the time, my favorite kind of fly fishing is dry fly fishing. This is where you present an imitation of an adult insect that has reached maturity and is floating on the surface film of the water. The excitement I receive from seeing a large trout come from below and take the fly is how I got hooked onto fly fishing in the first place. Most fly fishermen will have success catching trout, but at the expense of watching a strike indicator all day. If you're like me, the sight of a rising trout will make your heart skip a beat. Know in advance that if you only fish dry flies, you will probably catch less fish than your friends that are nymph fishing. However, these 5 tips will greatly increase your productivity and help you catch more trout on dry flies.

1) Read the water: Often, beginners are guilty of walking right up to the water and casting. To be effective as a fly fisherman you will need to take the time to learn how trout live and feed. Subsequently, you will then understand where likely trout lies are in the water. When you approach the water look for places where fish can hold without expending much energy and where they have protection from predators. Now, hopefully you are wearing the requisite polarized glasses so you can learn to identify a holding trout under the water. Focus on those spots where they should be and wait for any shadows to move. Those moving shadows are feeding trout. the biggest clue to where a trout is holding is when they are feeding on the surface. Look for small ripples that accompany the small splash of a surface feeding trout. Now keep watching and you will see that trout come to the surface.

2) Use as long a leader as you can: When trout feed on the surface, they are obviously looking up to see their meals coming to them. Because of this, if your fly line is too close to your leader the trout will see it and will not take the fly. Make sure to have on as long a leader as you are comfortable fishing to prevent unnecessary spooking of the trout. Sometimes there is too much foliage to have a long leader. I try to have at least 9 feet of leader and more if possible. Longer leader is harder to manipulate, so practice, practice, practice.

3) Match the hatch: Take notice of the bugs flying around you. Give the bushes next to the water a little shake a get a good look at what flies off. It is good to know the color of the naturals around you, but it is imperative that you have the right size. The right color fly that is too large will leave you empty handed where as the fly that is close in color and is the right size will still be very effective.

4) Cast upstream: Stealth is on your side if you take this approach. As I've already mentioned, if a trout sees your fly line, it wont take your fly. That goes the same for you. If you step into it's view you will have a very frustrating experience. Cast your dry fly upstream. Now, any trout that you may be trying to catch are facing away from you and should be in direct line with your fly that is now traveling downstream towards you and the fish on the current. As the fly makes its way back towards you strip in the loose line so that when trout takes the fly you can set the hook. Avoid casting directly upstream from where you are. This causes your fly to directly follow the fly line and will also make trout wary.

5) Limit false casting: Trout can be very shy and easily put down. The less false casting you do, the more opportunity you will have to catch trout. You should only be false casting to dry your fly. If you are false casting because you lack accuracy, then move closer and perform shorter casts. Move slowly to keep your stealth advantage. when you do false cast, try to change the direction of the cast so the line doesn't fly over the water you are fishing. Practice your casting. Eventually, you should be able to pick up your line and cast it with accuracy the first time.

Put these tips to use and I know your dry fly fishing will improve. Now, go practice and catch some fish.

By Paul Schackman

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How to Start Surf Fishing

These are the suggestions I have for someone who would like to start surf fishing. Lots of surf anglers have got their start surf fishing by going with their dad or a friend That's fine but it takes a lot longer to get all the knowledge you would like to acquire. Not only that but if your learning from your dad or a friend (depending on their knowledge or experience) you might not get a comprehensive coverage of the sport. I think there's a better way of going about it.

You could sign up for a surf fishing class that's another way to get started. At least it would be comprehensive. The local surf fishing club where I live in Florida has a class they offer for about $250. That might be a little expensive for some. If you can afford it, that's definitely a good way to go. If there's a surf fishing class near your location check that option out. The instructors will be experienced surf anglers and the classes are usually held right at the surf line.

There's still another way I'd like to suggest. Especially if you're on a tight budget. First I would start with familiarizing yourself with everything you can get your hands on. The Internet is a good place to start. There are a lot of articles on the Internet, like this one that are freely available. Take advantage of them. That's what they are there for. It will build your enthusiasm for the sport and give you a nice heads up for what you will experience.

Use the Web to learn about surf fishing techniques and the equipment used to fish the surf. Get an idea of the rod and reel combination that you would like to start with. Learn about the live bait, lures and artificials that surf anglers like to use. Find out what kind of surf fish are caught from the beach. A lot of the information is free but some of it you may have to purchase.

Visit the local bookstore and browse through the books about surf fishing. Visit Amazon and check out what they have to offer. Give yourself an introduction to the sport. It won't be long before you've learned a lot and find out what an awesome sport this is.

With a little bit of effort you would be surprised what you can learn. After getting an exposure like this your ready to select some surf gear and try it out for yourself. Now you could go right to the beach and start fishing. I'm sure you'll start getting some good results but if you can find a friend that will take you out that's what you should try for. Your friend will be able to help you with some of the things that are difficult to get from a book. Don't try to show your friend up with some of your new knowledge and don't be surprised if you know more about it than they do. Keep that your little secret. Once you get some actual experience under your belt it won't be long before you are teaching them.

When you land your first fish it will build your confidence up and soon you'll be surf fishing like a pro. Today, we don't have the time to spend days or months trying to get a handle on what works. Everybody wants it now and they want results right away. Believe me, that first fish you land will have you hooked more than you hooked it. Pun intended.

By Randy Meyers

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fishing Tips For Largemouth Bass

The following article is for anyone who wants to learn more about Bass Fishing. If you need to know more about Largemouth Bass or if you just need some more fishing tips in general, then read on to find some more help.

Largemouth Bass love to eat insects and other various types of critters. They are huge eaters and are constantly eating all the time. This means that you can be sure that they will most likely bite anything that you put on your line.

You could probably increase your chances though if you try using Worms, Crank baits, or Jigs. All three of these lures work really well when it comes to catching Bass.

You can also try using live bait as well as artificial bait. Many fishermen report that using live bait works very well when it comes to fishing for Bass. Many other people will also tell you that artificial work just as good if not better. This means that ether or could work for you really.

My advice for you would be too try both type of tackle before you come up with any kind of solutions. This way you can be sure to find out which one will work for you.

Remember that Bass love deep cooler water, so if you happen to be fishing sometime in the summer, then try heading for the deeper waters instead of the shallow end. You will have a greater chance of catching some big lunkers in deep water.

This article is only meant to be a little snippet of information on fishing for Largemouth Bass.

By Rob Ganion

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Saltwater Spinning Fishing Reel Vs Freshwater Spin Casting Fishing Reels

Spinning reels, whether freshwater or saltwater spinning reels, share one thing in common that differs from conventional fishing reels. When casting a spinning fishing reel, the fishing line is cast off the reel spool in a circular unraveling, around a stationary spool. Casting reels on the other hand unravel with a straighter motion, with the spool of the reel in freespool, where the spool of the reel spins as the line comes off. This free-spinning motion of the conventional casting reel spool often leads to messy line tangles if the spool is not controlled with the appropriate thumb pressure. The tangle free casting is what probably makes spinning fishing reels the most popular type of fishing reel.

Spincasting reels differ from normal spinning reels in that the spool of the fishing reel is usually encased. This type of reel is normally cast with a push of a button, which disengages the line. To engage the line, all the angler does is turn the handle a little to re-engage the spool. The limited line capacity, size and overall utility of this type of fishing reel should be restricted to freshwater fishing applications as well as teaching novices the fine art of casting and fishing. Another important note is that a spin casting reel should sit atop the fishing rod and the handle of the reel on the right side of the reel for right-handed anglers.

Spinning reels, on the other hand, can handle freshwater lunker bass fishing, big-game saltwater jigging, as well as freshwater and saltwater tournament style fishing. Spinning reels should hang below the spinning rod, with the handle of the reel on the left side of the reel for right-handed fishermen. Spinning fishing reels have an open spool, with the fishing line thread through a bail, which is designed to hold the line. To cast, the angler must open the bail, grab the fishing line with a finger, cast, and then either manually close the bail or turn the handle a half revolution to automatically close the bail. Please, when casting a spinning reel, DO NOT FORGET to open the bail. I have seen many expensive lures go flying into the deep sea with the familiar pop or snap of the fishing line because the angler forgot this critical step in casting these reels.

By Henry Yoo

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