Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Saltwater Spinning Fishing Reel Vs Freshwater Spin Casting Fishing Reels

Spinning reels, whether freshwater or saltwater spinning reels, share one thing in common that differs from conventional fishing reels. When casting a spinning fishing reel, the fishing line is cast off the reel spool in a circular unraveling, around a stationary spool. Casting reels on the other hand unravel with a straighter motion, with the spool of the reel in freespool, where the spool of the reel spins as the line comes off. This free-spinning motion of the conventional casting reel spool often leads to messy line tangles if the spool is not controlled with the appropriate thumb pressure. The tangle free casting is what probably makes spinning fishing reels the most popular type of fishing reel.

Spincasting reels differ from normal spinning reels in that the spool of the fishing reel is usually encased. This type of reel is normally cast with a push of a button, which disengages the line. To engage the line, all the angler does is turn the handle a little to re-engage the spool. The limited line capacity, size and overall utility of this type of fishing reel should be restricted to freshwater fishing applications as well as teaching novices the fine art of casting and fishing. Another important note is that a spin casting reel should sit atop the fishing rod and the handle of the reel on the right side of the reel for right-handed anglers.

Spinning reels, on the other hand, can handle freshwater lunker bass fishing, big-game saltwater jigging, as well as freshwater and saltwater tournament style fishing. Spinning reels should hang below the spinning rod, with the handle of the reel on the left side of the reel for right-handed fishermen. Spinning fishing reels have an open spool, with the fishing line thread through a bail, which is designed to hold the line. To cast, the angler must open the bail, grab the fishing line with a finger, cast, and then either manually close the bail or turn the handle a half revolution to automatically close the bail. Please, when casting a spinning reel, DO NOT FORGET to open the bail. I have seen many expensive lures go flying into the deep sea with the familiar pop or snap of the fishing line because the angler forgot this critical step in casting these reels.

By Henry Yoo

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