Fishing is a very popular water-based sport. In fact, it is even ranked as one of America's top 10 favorite recreational activities. Fishing boats enable you to get more access to different waters and conditions and different species of fish. It also allows you to explore a wider coverage of the fishing area. One of the more dangerous fishing activities is offshore fishing and this requires a specialized boat.
Offshore fishing
If fishing for you means a wide open sea, catching huge fish and using a heavy tackle, then offshore fishing is your activity of choice. However, this form of fishing is not without risks. In fact, it is more dangerous compared to shallow water or lake fishing. You need to be knowledgeable about weather patterns and navigation to go out there in the open waters. This is not to a fishing activity for beginners. Casting offshore also requires more skill and extra precautions such as carrying life vests on board.
Choosing a boat
Offshore boats are specialized so that they can brave all types of weather and water conditions that you may encounter in the open waters, therefore they are sturdier. Vessels that are worthy and capable of the open sea are quite luxurious. They include basic center consoles, plush quarters, cuddy cabins, single or twin outboards up to convertible or bluewater fishing machines, fancy salons, and powerful inboard diesel engines. Offshore fishing boats also differ in design and purpose and prices vary widely.
Online help
There is a lot of information that can be obtained on the Internet in choosing the right offshore boat that fits your budget. A lot of websites that specialize in fishing information and fishing boat retail provide pictures, specifications, prices, and contact information if you need to ask further questions. This allows you a wide range of options and product comparison when looking for offshore fishing boats.
By Eric Morris
Check Out the Related Article : Fishing - Basics, Tools and Techniques
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Offshore Fishing Boats

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fishing Boat
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Hidden Secrets about Alaska Trout Fishing
If you are looking for one of the best places to go for trout fishing, Alaska is the place to go! If you want to catch a lot of trout fishes at one go, then be sure to visit Alaska during its trout fishing season which starts from June 8th and goes until mid-September. This is the best time for trout fishing in Alaska and also the only time when you are legally allowed to do so.
It doesn't matter whether you want to do top water fly fishing or deep water lake fishing, I am sure you will find trout fishing in Alaskan rivers and lakes quite enjoyable. One of the most popular types of fishing in Alaska is the Rainbow trout, which you can find along the Alagnak River. In fact the entire area surrounding the Alagnak River has a very large quantity of popular trout fishes.
If you want to catch a lot of trout fishes you need to know the best time to go for trout fishing in Alaska. If done properly, you can catch as many as 15-20 trout fishes daily during the prime season. If you are an experienced fisherman then the number can be 35-40. If you are a newbie in fishing it is best you join the experienced fishermen and enjoy fishing with them in one of the largest trout fishing rivers in the world.
If you are passionate about trout fishing you can go to two of the Alaska's leading trout fishing rivers, namely:
1. Nonvianuk
2. Kukaklek
These two rivers later meet up to form the Alagnak which I discussed about earlier in this article. If you think you will have to face a lot of crowds during trout fishing season, let me tell you that these places are very much un-crowded which means you will really enjoy your fishing days without having to huddle through crowds.
It is not enough to just know about the best trout fishing rivers. You also need to learn about the specific techniques that should be used for trout fishing. Apart from trout fishing, there are several other types of fishing that you can do, such as:
1. Dry flies
2. Streamers
3. Top water mousing
4. Egg and bead
One of the most popular techniques used for Alaska trout fishing is known as bead fishing. In case you don't know about this technique, find out a fishing guide or instructor in the area where you are going to do trout fishing. Another option is to visit many of the fishing lodges located in Alaska that specialize in trout fishing. If you are visiting Alaska during its trout fishing season and if you are unsure of any of the trout fishing techniques, try visiting one of these lodges.
If you need more information about Alaska trout fishing, we have a complete resource guide available for that purpose. Simply click the link below in my resource box in order to access the guide.
By Pauline K
Do you want to know about Halibut and Salmon Fishing in Seward, Alaska, click the link below to access that article Halibut and Salmon Fishing in Seward, Alaska

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Labels: Fishing Review
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Freshwater Fishing
Freshwater fishing is very popular all over the world. In fact, it is one of the most popular outdoor activities in many countries. In the United States in particular, freshwater fishing has become very popular. This is due in large part to the commercialization of the sport. Freshwater fishing tournaments are held on a national level, and some of them are even televised. This has helped the sport gain a lot of attention, and has brought in a lot of newcomers.
You can take part in freshwater fishing anywhere there is freshwater. And since this is much more abundant than saltwater, it is also the more popular of the two. Regardless of where you live, you should never have a problem finding somewhere to go freshwater fishing.
If you are looking for somewhere to go freshwater fishing, you have a few options available. They include a small stream or creek, a pond, a lake, or a river. Each one of these offers their own benefits to any fisherman.
Freshwater fishing can be a lot of fun because there are so many species that you can go after. The two most popular are bass and trout; but there are many more that you can fish for if interested. The specie of fish that you are going after is nothing more than personal preference.
Freshwater fishing is a relaxing activity that anybody can take up. You do not have to be athletic to take part in freshwater fishing, and at the same time it is very easy to get started in this sport. You do not need a lot of money, and anybody can get started on a very small budget.
Overall, freshwater fishing is here to stay. This sport is popular all over the world, and it is only going to continue growing.
By Francois Botha
Check Out the Related Article : Fishing Lakes

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fishing
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Halibut and Salmon Fishing in Seward, Alaska
When you talk about fishing and Alaska, you will probably think of Seward. Seward is the Saltwater Sport Fishing Capitol of Alaska. It is where the biggest fishing sports are held, not to mention the fist in Alaska for Coho salmon and halibut catch, as well as other fish like ling cod, and more.
Halibut and salmon fishing in Seward, Alaska is not new, at least not to the locals and frequent visitors. Well, how could it be when it is the place where big fishing games are held? The halibut and salmon fishing in Seward, Alaska start in the month of April when the temperature start to rise and the snow start to melt. It is also the time when this small coast community starts into to become alive. Fishing gears are prepared, the fishing boats are repainted and visiting fishing enthusiasts are starting to come to experience one of the best seasons of Seward, Alaska – fishing season!
As a matter of fact, halibut and salmon fishing in Seward, Alaska start a little earlier than it is supposed to be. March is the break up month, where the king salmon leave the saltwater and start their way to freshwater. Even during this time, eager fishermen are already waiting to have their share of early fishing season catch. Then comes April, the month where the powerful halibut turn up on the docks of Seward. Actually, the halibuts are present the whole year, but they are likely to go deeper in the winter months and come back, showing off themselves in the warmer months as their food tend go closer to shore.
On the month of May, when the snow is almost gone, the boats go out for fishing on most days. But on the following month, June, summer is the time where great things start to happen. Halibut and salmon fishing in Seward, Alaska during this month will be an exciting experience for you will never go home empty-handed. You surely will catch halibut and/or salmon daily during the entire summer. The weather, too, will match up with your enthusiasm as you go fishing for halibut and salmon.
As the month progresses, July is the time of roasting heat. It is the time when halibut and salmon fishing in Seward, Alaska never gets any better. In the month of August, the exciting fishing activities continue to keep the fishermen busy through great fishing and handful of catch. September is when the temperature gets a little by this time, but it doesn’t mean the fishing is over – cold weather is just the sign of the culmination of fishing season. Don’t worry; there is still another year to come to satisfy your craving for halibut and salmon fishing in Seward, Alaska.
By Milos Pesic
Check Out the Related Article : Fishing Lakes

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: Fishing Place
Monday, December 15, 2008
Memorable Bass Fishing Trips
If you fish for sport, chances are you one of the many fishermen hooked on bass fishing. It is funny really if you think about it because the fisherman is hooked on fishing as much as the fish get hooked on a fisherman's line. Bass fishing is one of the most exciting and fun recreational sports out there and the fact that it has turned into a multi billion industry is the perfect proof that there simply is not contest as to bass fishing being the best there is.
If you are hoping to improve your performance in the sport, the easiest way to boost your level is by going on frequent bass fishing trips. This is because, it is true that practice makes perfect. Increasing your bass fishing trips will increase your chances of gaining insight into your game and developing the skills and techniques that are needed for you to be able to catch that coveted 10 pounder.
Also, taking frequent bass fishing trips to a few fishing areas will increase your knowledge of the water as well as the bass habits that will be invaluable to your fishing. Increased bass fishing trips will not only improve your bass catch but will also immensely increase the quality of relationship you have with your fishing partner. Needless to say, it is necessary for one to have a fishing partner when it comes to bass fishing. That is why increased bass fishing trips will help you develop stronger bonds with your fishing partner.
The triumph of overcoming the many challenges of bass fishing with your fishing partner is priceless. If you don't happen to be sold on this mushy idea of developing stronger ties with your fishing partner, then that's just fine. You still however should go more often on bass fishing trips with your fishing partner so that you can both practice together and build a synchronicity that is completely invaluable in the art of bass fishing.
It is already challenging enough to first hook the bass on your angler but the next challenge is being able to count on your fishing partner to net the fish once it is time. Not to mention, you and your partner need to move in tandem so that you don't tangle into each other and into your fishing gear as you amble around your fishing boat to catch the much coveted bass. See now, while practicing on your own is good, you will still need the cooperation of your fishing partner here so you need to go on more bass fishing trips together.
If your family complains about not seeing you enough because of the numerous bass fishing trips you take in a year then you may want to consider tagging one family member along as your fishing partner instead. Perhaps you can take your son or sons along on your fishing trips and share the wonderful world of bass fishing with your family, during your bass fishing trips.
Lastly, perhaps you may begin to feel the toll of frequent bass fishing trips on your pocket. These trips are don't come cheap; that's for sure. To recover costs, join local then eventually, national bass fishing competitions. A lot of money can be made in these competitions and from all your practice, you're sure to bring home the trophy.
By Anthony Lee
Check Out the Related Article : Fishing Lakes

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fishing Trip
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Labrador Lake Fishing
Labrador fishing trips for Salmon, Lake Trout, Brook Trout, Northern Pike and Whitefish are a once in lifetime fishing adventure at Expeditions North. With prime Labrador fishing territory in some of the most beautiful country one can imagine, Expeditions North offers fishermen a unique opportunity to fish for a variety of fish in a variety of different ways. Labrador fishing is known world-wide for producing, not only quality and quantity of fish, but also an overall fantastic fishing experience. With miles and miles of pristine rivers, streams and lakes, the fishing in Labrador has something for everyone. Visiting fishermen have often observed that the trip would be worth the effort even if the fishing wasn't so good, but since the Labrador fishing is so amazing, anglers are left with a strong desire to return again and again.The current world record Landlocked Salmon (Ouananiche) was caught in the waters that we fish. This amazing fish weighed 22lbs 11oz. Every year our clients catch Ouananiche weighing in the high teens, it is only a matter of time until this record is broken.Other species of fish that are abundant at our lodges include: Lake Trout, Brook Trout, Northern Pike and Whitefish.
Expeditions North has Labrador fishing packages that guarantee the angler will get his line stretched. Whether fishing out of one of our remote lodges or on our float trip down a 35 mile stretch of the scenic Mckenzie River, fishermen will encounter fish that have never seen a fly or a fishing lure. For those fishermen coming to experience Labrador fishing at it's best, they can expect to catch and release Landlocked Salmon (Ouananiche), Lake Trout, Brook Trout, Northern Pike and Whitefish depending on the location they are fishing. The fish are in abundance at our lodges, and every year our guests catch trophy size fish of every species that inhabit the area. Labrador fishing trips are more than just fishing trips. They are an adventure and offer the fisherman an opportunity to enjoy the unspoiled land of Labrador and the amazing sport we call Labrador fishing.
By Nagarai Last
Check Out the Related Article : Fly Fishing Trips 2

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fishing Lakes
Keeping Stocked With Fly Fishing Supply
As opposed to traditional fishing, fly fishing requires a different skill set and many different tools necessary to have a successful and enjoyable experience. Most importantly, fly fishing, have derived its name from the bait that fly fishermen use, utilizes a number of different synthetic flies in an effort to attract different types of fish. Subsequently, having a number of different flies on hand is imperative to the fly fishing experience. Of course, there are additional items necessary to have on hand as well and a fly fishing supply store can ensure that you have all that you need.
Any fly fisherman will tell you that it is important to have a fully stocked fishing tackle box on hand at all times – in order to have the best experience. A fly fishing supply outlet – either in the traditional bricks and mortar building or through online resources – provides all that an angler needs in order to be successful.
First and foremost, flies are by far the most important fly fishing supply. There is a great selection of fly fishing flies which are broken down by wet and dry fly fishing. Fly fishing is considered dry when the angler makes the fly “dance” above the water in an effort to attract the fish; fly fishing is considered wet when the fly is actually submerged beneath the water to attract fish below the surface. Fly fishing flies, in general, are crafted to imitate insects to which each type of fish may be attracted.
Besides flies, some of the more traditionally used supplies for fly fisherman include fly tying tools – the material that secures the fly to the end of the line, reels, rods, thread, and wire. Even apparel can be considered fly fishing supply; if the fly fisherman isn’t comfortable than it will be a short and dissatisfying experience. Such apparel may include wading boots, waterproof pants, jackets, hats, and the like.
Keeping a stocked fly fishing supply is of the utmost importance for any fly fisherman in order to have a successful and – most importantly – an enjoyable experience. Keep supplies at the ready and you will always be prepared for an adventure.
By Michelle Bery
Check Out the Related Article : Fly Fishing Trips 2

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fly Fishing
Friday, December 12, 2008
Is Deep Sea Fishing For You?
Deep Sea fishing is a very thrilling experience and can be very rewarding for fishing enthusiasts. However, Deep sea fishing is a sport that is not for everyone. Here a checklist to see if Deep sea fishing is for you.
1) Consider if you are prone to motion sickness? if you tend to get motion sickness easily, you may not be cut out for deep sea fishing. The best way to know if you have a good tolerance for motion sickness is to actually go for perhaps a short, inexpensive fishing trip to test your sea legs. If you find yourself throwing up badly, buy some off the shelf motion sickness drug for the trip which will help. Bring along some preserved ginger and sucking them would help to alleviate the ill feeling.
2) Deep sea fishing also requires that you are not afraid of being in a location where land is not in sight. Some people develop fear whenever they do not see land in a distance. If this frightens you, you may wish to consider land fishing or different type of fishing activities.
3) Deep sea fishing may expose you to hours of direct sunlight. The light is also bouncing back at your off the water surface, all these put you at risk of getting a bad sunburn. If you are fair-skinned and get sunburn easily, do bring along a strong SPF sunblock lotion, or wear long sleeve shirt and long pants. Do not forget your hat and drink plenty of water to reduce the risk of heat stroke. Take a break at the cabin whenever you are tired to refresh yourself.
If you are prepared, deep sea fishing can be the thrill of a lifetime, so don’t be put off by the special considerations that must be taken into account. Simply be cautious, but go out and enjoy yourself!
By Soh Kok Min
Check Out the Related Article : Fly Fishing Trips 2

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 7:52 AM 1 comments
Labels: Fishing Tips
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Fishing Lure Information Article
Fishing lures are a key aspect of fishing and without them your chances of successfully catching a fish greatly diminish. Few fish will decide to come towards and bite a sharp shinny hook, while the vast majority of the fish will sense danger and swim away. Therefore it is very important that you have a way to attract the fish to your hook.
There is a huge variety of different lures to choose from. Even with all the high tech products on the market which you can put on the hook in order to catch fish, I actually prefer to stick to the traditional way, the plastic worm. All that needs to be done is to gather a set of worms that can be found at any fishing store, place them in your tackle box with the rest of your fishing supplies, and attach one of the worms to your hook and fish. By placing your worm on the hook, fish will be more attracted to it and the catch of successfully catching a fish greatly increases. If you’re really feeling adventurous you can even rub worm oil on your plastic worm to make it more realistic to the fish.
Fishing lures and a tackle box to store all your fishing supplies greatly aids one in his or her quest to catch a fish.
By Christopher Jones
Check out the Related Article : Fishing Boats

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fishing
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Inflatable Fishing Boats - A Viable Alternative
What, you've never considered an inflatable boat for fishing? You may want to. If you want to talk about a quality alternative to high cost boats, inflatable fishing boats are the way to go. Not only are they a ton less expensive than traditional boats, they are amazingly convenient as well. Imagine being able to carry your fishing boat in the trunk of your car, then simply inflating it when you arrive at your fishing destination? And I'm not referring to children's play toys when I refer to inflatable fishing boats. I'm referring to high quality inflatable fishing boats. The kind of quality that can stand up to not only a dogs paws, but also class IV rapids and being pounded on with a hammer!
Quality fishing boats like I'm referring to come in a variety of styles. Some of the styles that I'm referring to are kayaks, canoes, pontoon boats, and even motor mount boats, all of which are inflatable. There is no better way to navigate small river than with a quality inflatable fishing boat. I personally like to fish small rivers and my inflatable pontoon boat is a godsend. The efficiency with which I can cover water is almost unreal. My fishing buddy prefers his inflatable kayak to accomplish the same thing on small rivers.
If you don't like the idea of spending upwards of $10,000 for a fishing boat, do a little research on quality inflatable fishing boats. I think you'll be glad you did. The best manufacturers even have package deals to help you save money and many times even include shipping and handling. The bottom line is that a quality inflatable fishing boat may just be the answer that your looking for.
By Trevor Kugler
Check out the Related Article : Fishing Boats

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Labels: Fishing Boat
Monday, December 1, 2008
The History Of Fishing Reels
Fishing is a very popular sport throughout the world and it can be rewarding and a brilliant experience to catch your supper whilst enjoying nature. Fishing with family or friends can be good fun too and a great bonding experience for sons and fathers. Challenges exist whether river fishing or sea fishing but it is important to be patient and learn from any mistakes you make. Nobody becomes a professional overnight and practice does make perfect.
It is required by law in most states to obtain a fishing license before you start to fish but this does vary from state to state so you need to check out your state's requirements before you begin fishing. When you have your license, you can think about buying tackle and equipment.
The fishing rod was invented first, followed by the reel, which has been around for hundreds of years. Reels date back to the 17th century although the Chinese were using a type of fishing reel in the 12th century. Before the 18th century, a reel had the primary role of storing excess line but reels have come a long way since those days and there is a good choice on the market to suit various types of fishing, your budget and ability. You can get reels using materials like brass and nickel today.
Before purchasing a reel, ask yourself where you will be fishing and what you can afford. If you plan to be fishing in a stream or river, you will need something quite different than if you were to be fishing in the open sea in rough conditions. A novice fisherman should probably consider something basic to practice with, before thinking about moving on to something more advanced. It is good to try different types of reels to see what you feel comfortable with.
There are so many types of fishing reel available on the market these days that you can probably find something not too expensive to suit your budget. If you have a bigger budget, you can have more choice of reels but the most expensive is not necessarily the best for you. You can shop for a reel online, in a fishing shop or second hand. The important things are that it suits your rod and other equipment and that it is good for the type of fishing you plan to be doing.
Fishing is fun and rewarding and making sure you have good equipment only makes it better!
Check out the Related Article : Fishing Boats

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fishing Reels
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